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The EMBA Program at National Taipei University of Technology
The EMBA Program at the College of Management in National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech) incorporates theory and practice in education. The Program is a channel for experienced business managers to return for extended education.
The design of EMBA curriculum lies in offering electronic management strategies, providing managers with an innovative thinking on the operational modules and procedures towards the enhancement of overall corporate competitiveness. The EMBA at Taipei Tech has two concentrations. “EMBA in Industrial Engineering and Management” emphasizes on the manufacturing management and Information management. It closely follows the government policies and business trend in this direction. “EMBA in Business Management” emphasizes on business innovation, business strategies, electronic commerce and Internet marketing. The EMBA curriculum also includes the visiting of business schools and companies overseas.
The EMBA program at Taipei Tech is certified by ISO9001. It is one of the most desired and reputable EMBA programs according to the survey results from Cheer magazine. The EMBA classes are conducted in multiple media classrooms in a building at Taipei Tech campus located at the center of Taipei City. A lounge specially designed for EMBA students is available. To maintain the quality and effectiveness of teaching, each EMBA class is limited to 40 students.
In order to pursue the excellence, to enhance its academic reputation, and to interact with the EMBA programs worldwide, the EMBA program at Taipei Tech is administered directly by the College of Management. It is managed by a Program Director, a Deputy Director and two Coordinators, one for each concentration. The mission of our EMBA is to become a prestigious EMBA program with international standard through curriculum development, management seminars, overseas studies, and international exchange programs.